Articles In This Issue
H.E. Philippe Guex, Ambassador of Switzerland
No Cherry Picking in Reform Process
Dialogue Prompts Every Success Story
Majo Mićović, President of the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce
Sharing Perspectives of the Digital World
BAD Sistems
Encourage People to Stay Ahead of the Game
Ursula Läubli, Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office, Counsellor, Embassy of Switzerland
Citizens Need to Have Their Say
Yana Mikhailova, Head at Nestlé SE
Responsible Company for a Healthier Serbia
Oleg Stefanović, Director, Produkt BG Engineering
Small But Reliable Partner
Stojan Kemera, General Manager, Barry Callebaut Southeast Europe
The Best Chocolate Needs Passion
Ana Grujović, Director of the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce
Advancing Potential for Cooperation
Ana Govedarica, General Manager, Roche Serbia
“New Medicine” Arriving
Slobodanka Vlajčić, CEO, Nevena & All Me Cosmetics
Europeans Recognise Our Quality
Đorđe Rašić, Member of the Board, Zepter Group d.o.o
We Never Give Up On Quality
Aleksandar Milošević, CEO & Founder, 3AP
We Create a Unique Working Culture
First 5 Years Of Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce
Swiss Economy
Small, Smart & Prosperous
Serbia Becomes a Full Member of CERN
European Scientific Elite
Switzerland Driving Force of Modern Life
Swiss Craftsmanship
Huge International Reputation
Novak Đoković vs Roger Federer Wimbledon 2019, Superhero Rivalry Goes Serbian’s Way