
Switzerland 2019

H.E. Philippe Guex, Ambassador of Switzerland

No Cherry Picking in Reform Process

Politicians and the media too often entertain the notion that the European Union is imposing reforms on Serbia....

Partner: Switzerland – Serbia 2019

Strong & Efficient Relations


Dialogue Prompts Every Success Story

Citizen participation is essential for a fully-fledged democracy and efficient market economy. Through bilateral assistance, Switzerland is inspiring...

Majo Mićović, President of the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce

Sharing Perspectives of the Digital World

Although Switzerland is an important donor to Serbia in economic terms, it seems that those investments have yet...

BAD Sistems

Encourage People to Stay Ahead of the Game

BAD SISTEMS is an emerging, innovative company based in Niš, southern Serbia. We concentrate on the digital transformation...

Ursula Läubli, Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office, Counsellor, Embassy of Switzerland

Citizens Need to Have Their Say

Enhanced citizen participation, along with transparency, accountability, and efficient and effective processes, represents a precondition for successful Swiss-...

Yana Mikhailova, Head at Nestlé SE

Responsible Company for a Healthier Serbia

Year after year, Nestlé shows its commitment to business operations in Serbia and its contribution to the development...

Oleg Stefanović, Director, Produkt BG Engineering

Small But Reliable Partner

Thanks to its partnership with Swiss company Mageba, Produkt BG Engineering became the first and leading company in...

Stojan Kemera, General Manager, Barry Callebaut Southeast Europe

The Best Chocolate Needs Passion

Thanks to its experience and tradition, but also the latest technologies, the Barry Callebaut Group sells its products...

Ana Grujović, Director of the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce

Advancing Potential for Cooperation

Although economic activity between Switzerland and Serbia is still below its potential, businesspeople in the two countries are...

Ana Govedarica, General Manager, Roche Serbia

“New Medicine” Arriving

Roche is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies, which strives to provide patients with access to innovative therapeutic...

Slobodanka Vlajčić, CEO, Nevena & All Me Cosmetics

Europeans Recognise Our Quality

Nevena & All Me Cosmetics is a company with many years of tradition and experience in the production...

Đorđe Rašić, Member of the Board, Zepter Group d.o.o

We Never Give Up On Quality

Zepter already became a part of our everyday life three and a half decades ago, thanks to a...

Aleksandar Milošević, CEO & Founder, 3AP

We Create a Unique Working Culture

3AP is a young Swiss company that has been actively engaged in the development of technologically advanced software...

First 5 Years Of Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce

Founded in March 2014, the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce (SSCC) has developed as a result of growing interest among...

Swiss Economy

Small, Smart & Prosperous

The Swiss economy is among the world's most stable and is the preferred choice for investors seeking a...

Serbia Becomes a Full Member of CERN

European Scientific Elite

This year was marked on the international scientific front by the admission of Serbia as a full member...

Switzerland Driving Force of Modern Life

The four ethnolinguistic groups (Germanic, French, Italian, and Rhaeto-Romansh) that comprise the native Swiss population have retained their...


Belgrade’s Main Bus Station Relocates to New Site After Over 50 Years

After more than half a century in operation, Belgrade’s main bus station is relocating to a new site in...

Slovenia Among Countries with Lowest Inflation Rates in the EU

The annual inflation rate in the Eurozone was 2.2% in August 2024, down from 2.6% in July. A year...

French Embassy Awards Winners of ‘Ekoopština’ Sustainability Contest in Serbia

The French Embassy in Serbia, in collaboration with a range of partners including the Veolia Institute, Saint-Gobain, Decathlon, and...

First Major CEBAC Conference Brings Together Over 200 European Companies in Serbia

Belgrade played host to the inaugural conference of the Council of European Business Associations and Chambers of Commerce in...

Serbia and North Macedonia Strengthen Ties with New EU-Funded Cooperation Programme

Serbia and North Macedonia have launched a new cross-border cooperation initiative, focusing on employment and social inclusion.  The programme, backed...