Fifth in a row Canadian Serbian Business Association (CANSEE) traditional Christmas reception was attended by more than 120 distinguished guests, CANSEE members, partners and associates, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps, Serbian political and economic leaders.
CANSEE Christmas reception marked the end of another very successful year for CANSEE association.
H.E. Kati Csaba warmly welcomed all the present guests saying that she’s honoured to be the ambassador of Canada to Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro. Ambassador stressed that she is very proud of CANSEE activities and projects that CANSEE successfully finished in 2018 and that she is looking forward to further strengthening the economic development between Serbia and Canada.
Mirjana Dončić Beaton, CANSEE managing director, said that year 2018 was very successful for CANSEE association. On the same occasion, she proudly announced that successful cooperation with prestigious Canadian Ivey School of Business of the University of Western Ontario will continue in 2019 and that Belgrade will host 4th LEADER project in May 2019. She also proudly announced upcoming PDAC 2019 (The World’s Premier Mineral Exploration & Mining Convention) in March that will be visited by Serbian Ministerial delegation from Ministry of Mining and Energy.