Continuing the tradition of gathering representatives from prestigious companies in Serbia, 17 bilateral chambers of commerce and business associations organised the annual International Networking Cocktail.
This exclusive event unfolded in the exquisite surroundings of the Metropol Palace Hotel in Belgrade, bringing together over 350 representatives of member companies from these associations.

Participants at the cocktail were representatives from a broad spectrum of industries and sectors, members of bilateral associations present in Serbia, including the Belgian-Serbian Business Association, British-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Brazilian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, CANSEE Canadian-Serbian Business Association, French-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, Dutch-Serbian Business Association, Croatian Business Club, Irish-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Japanese Business Alliance in Serbia, Chamber of Italian-Serbian Businesspeople, German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Nordic Business Alliance, Business Club UAE & Serbia, Slovenian Business Club, Swiss-Serbian Trade Chamber, and the Association of Italian Industrialists-Confindustria Serbia.
The cocktail provided a precious opportunity for business networking, exchanging experiences, and sharing business ideas amongst the attendees. This event is regarded as one of the most pivotal throughout the year for establishing new business contacts and expanding a network of business partnerships.

Dedication to preserving international connections and business partnerships is stronger than ever, and this event signifies an invaluable contribution to advancing business cooperation amongst member companies both nationally and internationally.
Izvor: CCIS