I ’ve always looked for positions that allow me to express my creativity. I started my career at Henkel in the corporate communications department, and then my path led me to marketing. I am grateful for the opportunity to develop different skills through rotation within marketing and to get an overall picture of the operation of a business. Through brand initiatives, I can dedicate myself to sustainability projects.
This is a topic that is personally important to me and I am glad to work in a company where this is one of the key values in the strategy. Today, together with my team, I stand behind the marketing performance of a number of company brands, which is a great honour but also a great responsibility.

I am lucky enough to work with enthusiastic people who search for new knowledge every day and are aware that personal development never stops. I am especially happy that my team consists of a lot of young people whose talent and work ethic show that the future of marketing in Serbia and the region is in good hands.