Thanks to early and severe containment measures, Greece has successfully managed to flatten the curve very quickly and slow down the spread of the virus. We suspended public events and closed down schools even before the first 90 cases were detected.
Facts worldwide suggest that there is a strong correlation between an early lockdown and the subsequent success in controlling the spread of the virus. Facts in Greece prove that we did the right thing at the right time.
Greece is the best-performing country in Europe
The key to our success can be summarized as follows: a) the Government’s rapid alert (early warning and early action), b) the readiness and resilience of the state apparatus, c) the timely adoption of strict measures to impose social distancing and home confinement, and d) the self-discipline and resolve of the Greek people, who wholeheartedly followed the measures taken by the Government.
The war against the pandemic is far from being over. We remain vigilant and prudent, we follow the medical advice of our excellent team of epidemiologists, and we fully abide by the decisions of our Government.
Last but not least, according to a report published last week by the Bridge Tank, Greece is the best-performing country in Europe in the war against the coronavirus.
The Bridge Tank is an independent economic think-tank and an active member of the T20, the Think Tank Group of the G20.