Montop Pro (member of Montop Group) has initiated a project to develop the most modern optical telecommunication networks in Serbia. This Novi Sad-based company has the human and technical capacity to conduct overall planning for the combined communal infrastructure of broader urban and rural territories
Given that this company possesses state-of-the-art equipment for installing microtubes, inflating optical microcables and connecting cable sections, as well as devices for testing and measuring the technical characteristics of optical cables, company president Marko Bosanac expects dynamic and progressive growth on both the local and regional fronts.
Insufficent attention was paid to the development of infrastructure for a long time. How would you assess current activities in this area?
By monitoring the largest investor in the region, Telekom Srbija, I consider the challenges in this area as being great, through the cycle of investments itself, such as the construction of intercity optical infrastructure and the FTTH (Fibre-to-the-Home) project. With the applying of the “optical cable to the users” concept – the future has practically already arrived in Serbia.

The need of users for ever-faster internet is growing constantly. By monitoring the latest technical and technological achievements, we decided to follow the growing demands of the market, and thus those of the end user. This is especially so given the fact that the latest technology for optical cable connections enables a link with huge bandwidth and high reliability.
Thanks to an understanding of the need for constant investment and infrastructural modernisation, we have finally reached a position where we’re not lagging behind the more economically developed countries.
As a leader in telecommunications, you are fully committed to developing information and communication technologies. It could be said that you succeed in satisfying all the demands of your clients…
We strive on a daily basis to constantly raise standards within the scope of our range of services, particularly when it comes to reliability and quality.
As leaders in the implementation of works, we will be ready for the challenges ahead and will support the future development of Serbia with our full force
Our long-term strategic orientation is towards the implementing of services guided by world standards and the sharing of the best business practices. I’m personally convinced – on the basis of the results that we’ve achieved to date – that the family of our satisfied clients will continue growing constantly.
Could we also say that the future has already arrived when it comes to broadband internet? Are you satisfied with your participation and contribution to the development of the most modern optical telecommunication networks?
Observing the current situation, optical infrastructure has reached the doorsteps of half of Serbian households. Taking into consideration the fact that our country, like the leading EU countries, is recognised by the EBRD as a strategic partner in advancing digitalisation within the regional framework, we expect the implementation of a project to bring broadband internet to Serbia’s rural areas in the period ahead. As leaders in the implementation of works, we will be ready for the challenges ahead and will support the future development of Serbia with our full force.
By absolutely acknowledging the claim that modern infrastructure represents the first step in the digitalisation of business, and that we, as a company, provide services in the construction of telecommunications infrastructure and the design and construction of data centres, we have the right to expect further growth and development. Being competitive and accepting of new challenges are important factors that have helped build our company’s reputation as an innovative partner in the construction of public facilities for various purposes, while adhering to the principles of the economical use of energy and environmental protection.
We are strongly convinced that, when it comes to the topic of digitalisation in the regional context, the right time for Serbia and our company is yet to come.