Embark on a journey through the enchanting landscapes of Sedam Brda, where the world’s most renowned brands rendezvous with the vibrant spirit of regional gems. They traverse the vivid tapestry of marketing communications, crafting experiences that transcend expectations and challenge industry standards
In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing communications, where global brands strive to make their mark, one agency has been navigating the terrain with finesse. Alek Garčević, the CEO of Sedam Brda (Seven Hills), leads an agency that blends the agility of a boutique firm with the wisdom drawn from working with industry giants like Coca-Cola, Audi, and Sony. In this exclusive interview, we delve into his insights, experiences, and the unique philosophy that sets Sedam Brda apart in the world of marketing and branding. From conquering colossal challenges to the art of crafting memorable campaigns, Garčević provides a glimpse into the world of a Cool Service Agency that champions creativity, innovation, and, above all, delivering results.
You’ve collaborated with giants like Coca-Cola, Audi, Volkswagen, BAT, Telenor, Canon, Sony, Bosch, Unity, EUnet, among others. Can you share your most interesting experiences with any of these brands?
— At times, I’ve been in a position to craft an entire strategy for specific market segments with my team. In other instances, my contribution has been through the creative department or production. Each of these major brands has been a significant learning experience, especially Coca-Cola and BAT. Today, we apply those experiences to brands that might not be globally recognised but have similar communication needs. When it comes to IT clients, our knowledge base started to form through our collaboration with EUnet, which we followed from the early days of the internet entering the Serbian market. These are clients predominantly engaged in blockchain, gaming, and advanced technologies.
Nevertheless, our greatest satisfaction comes from working with regional brands. Everything moves much faster and is less formal. You’re always in a position to converse with the top decision- makers. This makes every meeting significant, as you’re sitting across from someone who makes real-time decisions.
Could you describe these meetings to our readers?
— I always prepare meticulously for every meeting – without exception. There are no more or less important meetings, only those for which you are prepared and those for which you are not. I demand the same from my colleagues. If you want to work in communications within a specific industry, you must understand every detail of that industry. That’s the only way for a client’s brief to fall on fertile ground.
We treat clients as teammates with whom we must achieve a result. During the game, we make sure that our solid strategy never prevents us from executing a memorable dribble
On several occasions, I’ve surprised those present at meetings with the depth of my knowledge about the industry we’re dealing with. This has nothing to do with intelligence or creativity; it’s hard work. Thinking about something longer than others can also mean you’re not particularly smart (laughter).
An unusual name – Sedam Brda (Seven Hills)?
— Anyone who has read this interview up to this point will remember the name. That’s enough to get started! Leading elephants over the Alps was difficult, but Hannibal made history doing it. He had a different idea and the strength to believe in it and venture over the hills. Our name represents our core: consulting, branding, advertising, graphic design, digital, video, and event production. Depending on which of these “hills” is in front of our clients, we assist them in their ascent.
It sounds like a full-service agency.
— No – we’re a Cool Service Agency (laughter). We possess the experience and knowledge we brought from large agencies, and a long list of trusted collaborators developed over the years. Of course, there’s always a need for play. We treat clients as teammates with whom we must achieve results. During the game, we ensure that our solid strategy never prevents us from executing a memorable dribble. All of this allows us to act swiftly across the entire spectrum of communications without risking the quality of our solutions. Simply put, we save both money and time.
What’s the advantage of boutique agencies over large agencies?
— Dan Wieden and David Kennedy didn’t have a large agency when they proposed the slogan “Just Do It” to Nike. They probably would have been dismissed without a fair hearing if they had suggested such a radical idea in a big agency. Today, that slogan is history, taught to new generations, and Nike delivered a significant market blow for its time. I would love to see the faces of Reebok’s management when they saw the campaign. It takes courage to propose different solutions and seek a budget for them.
Sedam Brda’s Odyssey from Global Icons to Local Marvels in Marketing Communications
In a large agency, you answer to the entire hierarchy, while in a small agency, you answer only to the client and your conscience. I’ve worked in large agencies and met a number of brilliant people who know, can, and want to. They’re intertwined with a large number of people who are there to earn a salary. Clients are left with a lottery in terms of what they might get. Corporations are not places where creative spirits flourish. We all know that, despite attempts to portray things differently.
Is the assertion that smaller agencies are more agile correct?
— Unquestionably! Information flows in real time, and decisions are made or adjusted based on it. Of course, there’s a strict protocol in information exchange, but it’s significantly simplified compared to corporations. That protocol should never hinder us from accommodating clients with specific requirements. Quite the opposite! The world is changing rapidly, and thus, the way we approach and communicate in the market evolves. Simply put, you must be prepared.
What defines success for you?
— It’s the enduring passion, the relationships that have stood the test of time, the trust that’s been earned, and the brands that have been built. There’s a wonderful feeling when someone says, “Oh, you did that!” Or when you walk into a company you’ve been working with for over a decade, and your logo from the beginning of the collaboration is still on the door. Success is often quantifiable through increased sales, but there’s nothing more satisfying than when a client genuinely connects with their brand through our work. Yes, I’ve chosen the right word – connected.
What lies beyond the seven hills?
— The eighth. It’s our mountain resort where we raise horses and often hold meetings with clients who enjoy coming there for brainstorming sessions. During those times, we can completely focus on each other and the task at hand. But it’s also a place to relax and deepen personal relationships. Technology has brought tremendous progress to the industry, but, on the other hand, it has somewhat suppressed the emotional factor. Some of our clients are even from other continents. We got to know them thanks to technology. Business is concluded through Zoom meetings, emails, chats… So many of them we’ve never met in person. Again, thanks to technology. Our method is based on vast experience and technological knowhow, but the alchemy of market communications doesn’t function without a personal element. In that triangulation, through hard work, creativity emerges, yielding results.