The main task of the Representative Office will be to reinforce the links between the economy, trade, and science of Serbia and Israel, the highly technologically advanced country, and to foster the work of joint committees in the efforts to provide the conditions for signing a free trade agreement.
The interest in cooperation of the two economies is reflected in almost all industries, with an emphasis on the IT sector, start-up consulting, healthcare, agriculture and food industry. Military industry, cyber, ICT services, wastewater treatment and tourism are also highly rated for the partnership.
“Encouraging Israeli investments in the sectors of real estate, renewable energy, water resources management, environment, infrastructure, and transport, along with increasing exports from our country to Israel, will undoubtedly be the main tasks of the Representative Office”, said Aleksandar Nikolić, Director of the Representative Office, a former Purchasing Director of the Israeli Gaon Group.
The Representative Office is located in the complex of Margalit Start-up City (JVP) in Jerusalem.
The Opening Ceremony of the Representative Office, which was announced a year ago at the signing of the Washington Agreement, is planned for November, in the presence of the CCIS President, Marko Čadež. This year, the two countries are also marking 30 years since the establishment of the diplomatic relations.
Source and photo: Privredna komora Srbije