The construction of the gas interconnection between Serbia and Bulgaria, Chapter 15 and energy efficiency, as well as the continuation of cooperation in the field of gender equality were some of the topics of today’s meeting between the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and the Minister of Mining and Energy Prof. Dr. Zorana Mihajlović with the Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Ambassador Sem Fabrizi.
“We will agree on how important the gas interconnection project is, its implementation improves energy security, both for Serbia and the region, because we provide diversification of routes, but also sources of supply.” A public call for the selection of supervision has been announced, I expect that we will announce a public call for the selection of contractors as soon as possible, the project-technical documentation is ready. We would like to start preparations for the opening of Chapter 15, in cooperation with you,” said Mihajlović.
The Deputy Prime Minister reminded that the Ministry has prepared four laws in the field of mining and energy, and that they will soon be in the Parliament.

“The Law on Energy Efficiency envisages the establishment of the Fund, which should be the central institution for all projects in this area. Our goal is a green Serbia and environmental protection is an inseparable part of the energy transition. We are also grateful for the support you have given us in recent years in gender equality, we want to expand this topic to the field of energy, especially when it comes to energy poverty, which affects women more,” she said.
Ambassador Sem Fabrizi expressed satisfaction with the cooperation so far, saying that the European Union is there to support Serbia both through projects in the field of energy and on the further path of European integration.
“The gas interconnection project is very important for us as well, and our support continues to be strong together with all ‘Team Europe’ partners, which includes EIB. We are also ready to assist in the preparations for the opening of Chapter 15, which plays a key role for the whole Green Agenda. When it comes to energy efficiency, EU has already put as Serbia’s disposal several financial instruments to support. We need to put all these instruments into play and start implementing a plan. I am also looking forward to the continuation of cooperation in the field of gender equality,” said Fabrizi.
“The signing of the Trans Balkan Corridor Section loan – through the WBIF, of which the EU is largest contributor – marked today another important step into EU – Serbia cooperation”, Ambassador Fabrizi says.