At the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, as of 21 January, businesspeople from the entire world, foreign and domestic citizens, who travel to our country for business reasons, can cross the border of the Republic of Serbia by a simplified procedure, which is different from the rules that apply to other travellers.
At the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has allowed foreign and domestic citizens, who enter the Republic of Serbia for business reasons, to cross the border with prior notice to the Chamber, and afterwards, within 24 hours upon entering the country, to obtain and submit a negative rapid antigen test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus issued by a reference laboratory of the Republic of Serbia.
“In these circumstances, when most countries introduce additional restrictions, Serbia has found a way, with the application of the epidemiological measures, to facilitate business operations to business people from the entire world, companies already operating here, as well as those that are entering our country for their future business by simplifying the procedures for entering the country, with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia in performing the required formalities”, Marko Čadež, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, said.
Čadež reminded that business travel and contacts with businessmen were not a matter of choice, but the need of business, and expressed his hope that other countries would follow Serbia’s example so that companies all around the world would be able to carry out their business activities during the global health crisis with the lowest possible costs and waste of time, and to get out of the pandemic crisis with the least possible consequences.
According to the new rules, owners, managers, and employees within their companies, who intend to travel to Serbia for business reasons, and when entering the country, do not hold a negative RT-PCR test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus issued by a reference laboratory of the country they are coming from, issued within maximum 48 hours before their arrival, will previously have to announce their arrival to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, which will timely inform the border police on it in order to enable them to cross the border. Upon entering the country, they will take a rapid antigen test at a Serbian reference laboratory, submit the test to the Chamber, and if it is negative, they will continue to carry out their planned activities.
For the announcement of arrival, and all necessary information and support, please contact the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia within 48 hours before the planned entry into Serbia via e-mail at
The request which is to be submitted to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia has to include the following data:
- Name and surname of the person announcing his/her entry into Serbia for business reasons;
- Number of travel document and name of the issuing country;
- A brief description of the business reasons for entering Serbia;
- Date and border crossing point of entry into Serbia, flight number and name of an airline company, i.e. registration number of passenger motor vehicle;
- Date of entry and duration of the person’s stay in Serbia;
- The address at which the person intends to stay while in Serbia;
- The person’s contact phone and e-mail during his/her stay in Serbia.
The new procedures will not apply to those who arrive from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and North Macedonia that are allowed to enter Serbia without a PCR test in compliance with the previous decision.
All persons holding a negative RT-PCR test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus issued by a reference laboratory of the country they are coming from, issued within maximum 48 hours before their arrival, can also enter the Republic of Serbia.