Annual HERO Award honours health workers, true heroes of today’s world
At today’s General Assembly Meeting, members of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) elected two new Governors. Biljana Bujić of KPMG will continue in office as Secretary Treasurer, while Svetoslav Atanasov of Coca-Cola Hellenic Serbia & Montenegro has remained at the Board of Governors as Untitled Governor.
Zoran Petrović, President of the Board, presented achievements made over the past year and announced events to mark the upcoming 20th anniversary of AmCham, Serbia’s leading independent business association.
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic entering its second year, AmCham members were cautiously optimistic about future prospects. Said Zoran Petrović: “As in the past 20 years, our objective remains working with the government to launch initiatives and help shape strategies and policies that improve the regulatory framework for doing business, promote growth of the Serbian economy, and create jobs.”
AmCham member companies feel growth in 2021 will depend mainly on the government persevering in its pursuit of institutional reforms, such as continued improvement of the rule of law, judicial efficiency, and efforts to tackle corruption. In addition to these challenging tasks, AmCham believes there is also room to make public administration more efficient by allowing online communication with all authorities, optimising and digitalising interactions with government bodies, as well as streamlining tax, customs, foreign exchange operations, and healthcare procedures. Addressing illicit trade online and strengthening environmental and labour laws will also remain major priorities for delivering a better business environment
AmCham HERO Award honours health workers
AmCham had no doubts as to who the right candidates for this year’s HERO Award were. All health workers and non-medical staff of the health service, who have been fighting for the lives of Serbians in Covid-19 hospitals and intensive care units ever since the pandemic began, deserve this honour. The AmCham Board of Governors decided to present the 2021 AmCham Leader in Change HERO Award to Dr Vojislava Nešković, Associate Professor in the Belgrade Military Medical Academy and anaesthesiologist at the Karaburma Military Medical Centre, and Dr Steva Stanišić, infectious disease specialist and anaesthesiologist at the University Clinical Centre of Niš.
“This year, the HERO Award honours those who deserve it the most – our health workers, the true heroes of today’s world. We would like to use this opportunity to offer our heartfelt thanks to all health care professionals who have risked their own health and lives on the frontlines to save us and those we hold dear. AmCham salutes all those who have sacrificed their lives to save those of others”, said Zoran Petrović, President of the AmCham Board of Governors.
Follow this link for AmCham Serbia Annual Report 2020
The AmCham Board of Governors is comprised of nine members:
Zoran Petrović, Raiffeisen Bank, President; Ivan Miletić, Philip Morris International, First Vice President; Ronald Seeliger, Hemofarm, Second Vice President; Biljana Bujić, KPMG, Secretary Treasurer
Untitled Governors: Svetoslav Atanasov, Coca-Cola HBC Serbia & Montenegro; Živorad Vasić, IHG; Milana Jević Gledović, Delhaize Serbia; Borislav Miljanović, Represent System; Sandra Marinković, MSD
Ex Officio Board Member: Rachel Duran, Senior Commercial Officer, U.S. Embassy Belgrade