The German Dual Education System is one of the cornerstones of the successful brand ‘Made in Germany’ due to which a small nation of only 80 million people is able to be the world champion in exports for several years
The system is widely practised in Germany for over 350 officially- recognised training occupations. It is adopted in several European countries, notably Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands and France, and for some years now in China, India and other countries in Asia. The Dual Education System has helped Germany maintain a low youth unemployment rate, has secured a supply of skilled labour to its companies and has thereby increased the competitiveness of Germany’s economy.
The model fosters joint educational responsibility between the training centre and collaborating companies, which creates the most unique combination and synergy between learning and working. It also leads to a constant modernising of the curricula and guarantees up-to-date learning that follows the developments of the economy.
Theory imparted in the classroom is complemented with hands-on experience at the workplace, so that real-life situations immediately test the effectiveness of classroom theory and vice versa. The system seeks to impart structured knowledge and active competence, in their proper context.
In choosing the dual system, the student chooses a safe future. 100% of the students receive a job placement immediately after completion of the programme.
The Dual Education System has helped Germany maintain a low youth unemployment rate, has secured a supply of skilled labourto its companies and has thereby increased the competitiveness of Germany’s economy
• The student is an intern of an assigned company right from the beginning of the programme and receives projects and assignments according to his growing abilities.
• The student can also benefit from acquiring the hard skills and soft skills of more experienced co-workers.
• The student develops under real conditions, being a part of live projects in the industry. Therefore, he can judge whether he is competent at the job quite early.
Benefits for Collaborating Companies
• The training develops the practical skills of the trainees to meet the company’s specific requirements.
• Companies can prevent personnel fluctuation by offering training since trainees develop strong ties to their company during their training period.
• Companies can review trainees carefully and choose the best ones for permanent employment, thereby reducing the chances of wrong hiring decisions. By offering company-specific training, companies can eliminate the costs they would normally have in inducting new employee.