Sremska Mitrovica has been carefully defending the title of one of the best local self-governments in the field of e-Governance for years. The city administrators were diligent, so today there are dozens of services available for both citizens and businesses
There are almost 80,000 residents living within the territory of this city today. Many of them are dealing with activities such as obtaining personal documents, enrolling their children in kindergarten, making changes in the electoral lists or registering certain municipal issues without visiting any counters.
Sremska Mitrovica is one of Serbia’s leading cities regarding its results in the field of e-Government, which led to a number of awards. How many electronic services in total did the local self-government provide to date on the national Portal?
– The City of Sremska Mitrovica is the recipient of the award for the fastest-growing e-Municipality in the Republic of Serbia. At this moment we have 49 active e-services.
To what extent do the citizens of Mitrovica today actually use electronic services, compared to “classical” ones?
– There is a growing trend of e-service use among citizens year on year. Compared to the first year of e-service use, this number has by now increased four times! Our task during the coming period will be to bring e-services even closer to our citizens through various activities.
The citizens of Sremska Mitrovica use e-Services four times more today than when the services were started
Numerous services for citizens and businesses guarantee that various tasks will be completed in a simpler and more affordable manner. What e-services are currently available to business people within the territory of Sremska Mitrovica? Do you have any assessments of the savings made to date through the use of such services?
– Businesses are the driving force for the development of any local self-government. This is why we are investing in particular efforts to facilitate and simplify communication between business people and city services. At this moment, businesses have access to the following services:
- Request for information of public importance,
- Certificate of having settled tax obligations,
- Request for issuing approvals and taxi documents for engaging in the transport of passengers by taxi,
- Tax return for determining the amount of property tax,
- Request for the account transfer of funds,
- Application for determining the local municipal fee for posting the company sign on business premises,
- Request for the postponement of payments for tax debts in instalments.
What are the future steps towards improving electronic services in the city?
– The city of Sremska Mitrovica is among the few local self-governments with available e-services, such as Baby, welcome to the world, my case, e-kindergarten. During the coming period, we wish to focus on the development of an android application that will provide our citizens with simple communication with all institutions within the territory of the city of Sremska Mitrovica.