Company RECA Srbija, a member of the RECA Group, celebrated 15 years of successful operations. Starting with four employees back in 2002, it today employs a staff of 40.
Over the past 15 years, the company has established professional cooperation with several thousand companies and staff are proud that, in the area of tools, hardware equipment and technical chemicals, as well as corresponding services, they hold an enviable position on the international market.
The RECA Group supplies C-articles in the business-to-business segment, with 28 of its own companies operating in 21 countries (20 in Europe and 1 in China). In 2016 its 3,800 employees realised a turnover of €558 million.
Speaking at the celebration marking the 15th anniversary of RECA Srbija, Executive Vice President of the RECA Group, Ernst Wiesinger, expressed great satisfaction with the company’s successful work in our country, praising the entire collection that has consistently pursued the values and mission of the company in Serbia for many years.
Business orientation of RECA Srbija is focused on the highest quality products with more than 120,000 articles, the constant improvement of operations according to LEAN technology, and continuous professional training of existing staff and the recruitment of new ones.
Modern supply methods for major consumers and a dynamic network of commercial operators characterise the company’s operations both locally and at the global level.
“In the beginning, as always, it was difficult, but it is significant that the business environment in Serbia began to improve during the same year that we established our operations. As a modern company, it is much easier for us to work in this kind of environment, because our biggest customers are international companies that insist on high standards of quality,” says Vladimir Ilić, director of RECA Srbija, speaking to CorD. “Operational consistency and an insistence on quality is the only “secret” of our success, which, of course with discipline and great work, has led to exceptional results of which we are proud. The most important thing is to define and focus on your goal, and at the local level the freedom exists for each company to identify its own tactics to achieve the goal, and that is done by utilising the conditions of individual markets, but also creative human potential.
“I am very happy to be here, because 15 years is quite an achievement, and this is probably the nicest part of my job when I can attend this kind of anniversary. I have had the pleasure of following the success story of this company, also in previous countries, so I know how they do business, and I know how successful they are when they develop their business. Here in Serbia, I understand they have been particularly successful, 15 years is quite a good story. We have been in contact with the management over many, many years, from the very beginning, and we also supported them when they established their company here, with information and advice. All I can do is congratulate the local management, and the management from Austria, on their successful operations”, says Erika Teoman-Brenner, Commercial Counsellor at the Austrian Embassy in Belgrade, talking to CorD.
Asked how important it is for the embassy’s commercial section to support companies operating in Serbia, she says: “When they come to us, just to launch their operations, we give them all kinds of legal advice, with the help of lawyers; we advise them on how to find a location, and we take them to meet important people or institutions, introduce them to the right contacts, or help them find customers, while we also include them in our events etc.
“Long-term development, such as that of RECA Srbija, is something that everybody targets, but not everybody can achieve. However, in my modest experience, I see that Austrian companies are generally very focused on local development and not so much on making a quick, short-term profit and leaving. Besides that, our companies stand for quality, and that is how they are known in this country – for their very high quality and very good customer service. This is part of our mentality, the way we operate, and it is a successful model,” says Mrs Teoman-Brenner.