H.E. Mrs. Narinder Chauhan, Ambassador of India to the Republic of Serbia inaugurated the 3rd International Symposium on Mind/Body Medicine in Ayurveda ‘’Aromatherapy & Ayurveda: Living in a Fragrant World’’, which was held in Belgrade on 21-22 April 2018 at Hotel Moscow, and organised by the Serbian Association for Ayurveda ‘’Maharishi College for Perfect Health’’.
In her inaugural address, Ambassador of India, H.E. Mrs Narinder Chauhan spoke of the benefits of Ayurveda.
The Symposium was also addressed by renowned international and Serbian traditional medical experts. A large number of participants from the medical fraternity and other stakeholders attended the Symposium.
The objective of the Symposium is to further the establishment of Ayurveda as the most authentic and comprehensive system of natural medicine internationally and in Serbia, and to further the integration of Ayurveda and Aromatherapy in the health system of Serbia and make Ayurveda and Aromatherapy available to all.
Exhibition of Ayurveda and Aromatherapy Products and Books was also held as part of the Symposium programme. This was first in a series of events leading to the International Daz of Zoga 2018.