At the time of its founding, GEOURB Group represented a pioneering venture, while today – 24 years on – projects are only lining up in the field of geodetics, 3D laser scanning and modelling, the detection of underground installations and facilities, compensation, analysis of crops in agriculture, geology and urbanism
We are proud of the reputation that we have with clients who appreciate our way of communicating, quality of services, respect for deadlines, reliability, loyalty and the added value that we offer them through the use of modern and advanced technologies. That’s why I can state freely that they determine their own identity with us, says Saša Milenković, general manager of the GEOURB Group.
Your company was founded by your father 20 years ago, while you elevated it – together with a great team of professionals – among the ranks of the most successful companies.
– As an already proven engineer who provide a great contribution to the most important projects – the construction of highways, national roads, dams, urban complexes, residences and factories – both in the country and abroad, my father – precisely 24 years ago – was among the first to open an independent geodetic bureau with GEOURB. He wanted to contribute to the realisation of great ideas and projects for the betterment of the state, society and individuals, and he passed that passion on to me. Learning and gaining experience through working with my father, coupled with additional education and work on myself in the field of management and new technologies, enabled me to establish a dedicated, professional and reliable team that has fought in a high-quality way not only to survive, but rather also to grow constantly.
Only with full commitment, constant improvements and work can we endure and progress, and provide our contribution to fostering the professions – geodetic, geological, architectural and in terms of urban planning
Everything we do must be perfect and on time, which provides our clients with certainty and comfort in their further development.
Have you been in a position to work on some of the major infrastructure projects implemented by the state, local selfgovernments and public companies? – There are really a lot of them, so I’ll only list a selection: The detecting of underground oil pipelines and their entry into the cadastre register; Geodetic works in the phase of designing, installing and detecting fibre optic cables; Works on the complete route of the “South Stream” main gas pipeline in the design phase; Geological works with the objective of carrying out the gasification of a large number of settlements; Rehabilitation of terrain, swimming pools and facilities; Supervision of motorways; Regulating of agricultural land in the commassation procedures; Terrestrial 3D laser scanning and modelling of tunnels on national roads; Terrestrial 3D laser scanning of Nikola Tesla Airport; Terrestrial 3D scanning and modelling of Thermal Power Plant Nikola Tesla A; Terrestrial 3D scanning and modelling of the FK Partizan stadium; Terrestrial 3D scanning and modelling of caves and much more.
With changes to laws and other regulations, what would the state be able to do to improve the business environment?
– Small and medium-sized enterprises are an important pillar of the economy. And that’s the task of the state… It is evident that work is being done to improve conditions, but this should be done quicker and more systematically. Those who write regulations must have both theoretical and operative knowledge, without that it’s unlikely that we’ll set off anywhere, never mind getting there. Technology has really advanced greatly in the areas in which we operate and that must be an integral part of the legal regulations.
Those of us who’ve decided to live in our own country, and to live honourably and honestly from that which we gain through our daily work, have long since known that we have to struggle. If legal regulations also stand on our side, favouring knowhow, quality and integrity, that will be a serious step in advancing the economy and the general development of the Republic of Serbia.