Boris Johnson has made more than £1 million from speaking arrangements since resigning as the UK’s prime minister, it has been revealed.
He received over £750,000 from engagements in America, India and Portugal in November, according to the MP’s register of interests published on Wednesday.
This is in addition to the £276,000 that the former prime minister earned for a speech given to American insurance brokers in October, which means he has amassed a total of £1,030,780 in speaking fees since officially leaving Downing Street on September 6.
The records show Johnson was paid £277,723 by New York-based investment banking firm Centerview Partners for a speech on November 9.
He then received £261,652 from the Hindustan Times for a speech on November 17 and another £215,275 on November 23 from Televisao Independente for speaking at the CNN Global Summit Lisbon.
The entries also declare that the Hindustan Times and Televisao Independente provided Johnson and two members of staff with transport, food and accommodation, while Centerview Partners provided transport and accommodation.
Johnson’s latest entry also shows he and his family have continued to receive accommodation worth £3,500 a month from Conservative donor Lord Bamford and his wife.
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