The celebration of Israel's 76th Independence Day was marked by a grand reception attended by numerous guests and friends of the Embassy, including Serbia's...
Sixteen-year-old violinist Lana Zorjan from Serbia has been honored with the 2024 International Classical Music Award - Discovery Award, marking a significant milestone as...
In a landmark address to the British Parliament, His Majesty King Charles III has affirmed the United Kingdom's unwavering support for Ukraine and a...
Elizabeth Pitcairn, soloist from New York and owner of one of the most famous violins in the world "Red Stradivari Mendelssohn Violin", will perform...
The lights slowly dim until the audience is shrouded in darkness. Then, finally, the thick velvet curtains open. A figure, half-illuminated, slowly walks, singing...
Cooperation between Israeli and Serbian companies in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) and energy transition, which is a burning global issue, is...