The Althofen Masterclasses is an extraordinary annual event that transforms the picturesque town of Althofen, Carinthia, into a hub of musical excellence and cultural...
Sixteen-year-old violinist Lana Zorjan from Serbia has been honored with the 2024 International Classical Music Award - Discovery Award, marking a significant milestone as...
In a significant stride towards sustainable energy, renewable sources accounted for 23% of the European Union's gross final energy consumption in 2022, as reported...
The EU accession process requires credible reforms in the area of the rule of law and fundamental freedoms, including the fight against corruption, ensuring...
We expect economic ties between Austria and Serbia to continue to flourish in the years ahead, forging stronger business connections than ever before
Serbia has...
LeitnerLeitner, as a group that encompasses all support segments in the domain of tax, legal and financial affairs, is capable of proactively identifying all...