
Dr Nevenka Raketić, M.D.Ph.D, Specialist in Pediatrics and Immunology, Owner and Founder of Polyclinic “Dr. Raketić”

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Dr Nevenka Raketić has for decades been drawing on her extensive experience of both public institutions and private practice to provide healthcare services of the highest standard at her polyclinic, together with her dedicated team.

Speaking in this CorD interview, Dr Raketić explains how her company has evolved from a modest paediatric clinic to a polyclinic with over 75 consultants. It has become the first choice for more than 10 embassies and numerous companies that prioritise the health of their employees and their families.

Have trust, expertise, dedication and a sense of security been crucial to thousands of patients entrusting their health to you?

— The positive experience from working in public institutions and private practice has been applied to the operations of our polyclinic.

For over 12 years, Polyclinic “Dr. Raketić” has been caring for the health of both children and adults, offering an individualised approach tailored to each patient’s specific needs. The dedication of all members of our team is reflected in our need to listen carefully, understand, and provide a high-quality service in an optimal and expected timeframe.

Your healthcare institution has more than 75 consultants catering to the needs of all family members, not just the youngest ones?

— In addition to full-time staff, Polyclinic “Dr. Raketić” provides medical services and consultations across all medical fields for both children and adults. Our polyclinic was established in response to frequent requests and appeals from the parents of our young patients to address all health issues in one place.

In the case of illness, we resolve health issues in both children and adults quickly and efficiently, hence our slogan “The Healthy Face of the Family”.

In order to prevent disease, we recommend regular annual check-ups and vaccinations according to the vaccination schedules of specific countries. Various diagnostic procedures are available both during and after check-ups, enabling the treatment of disease according to globally recognised therapeutic protocols.

Your polyclinic provides services to foreign nationals and maintains close professional relations with more than 10 embassies. Are you their first choice as a medical advisor and trusted physician?

— Polyclinic “Dr. Raketić” offers prevention and treatment services to citizens from abroad and foreign nationals residing in Serbia. I personally serve as a medical advisor and trusted physician at the embassies of France (Medicin Conseiller), Austria (Vertrauensarztin), Germany (Kooperationsarzt), and Switzerland (Medical practitioner). Members of other embassies (including those of Canada, Great Britain, the EU delegation, and others) also place their trust in Polyclinic “Dr. Raketić”.

Ever-more companies are providing their employees with benefits like medical check-ups or treatment facilities at private healthcare institutions. Are they able to turn to you for such services?

— For adults, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing disease is of utmost importance. That’s why annual systematic check-ups are recommended, including several specialist examinations, ultrasound scans and laboratory analyses. Furthermore, many companies offer systematic check-ups for their employees’ families, primarily children. It is crucial to monitor the health of children from birth, and later, depending on age, specialists from various fields are included in systematic check-ups.

In the case of illness, we resolve health issues in both children and adults quickly and efficiently, hence our slogan “The Healthy Face of the Family”. Polyclinic “Dr. Raketić” maintains excellent cooperation with all companies that provide health insurance services in Serbia. Additionally, for foreign nationals, reimbursement from their insurance company is possible.

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