
Renata Matusinović, Busines Executive Officer for FOOD, Nestlé South East European Market

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As the world’s largest food producer, Nestlé feels a responsibility to improve its products and production processes in line with sustainability principles ~ Renata Matusinović

In this inspiring interview with Renata Matusinović, Business Executive officer for FOOD for Nestlé South East European market, we learn that today’s food industry is focused on innovation, the use of local raw materials, consumer health and the future of the planet. The company plans to source 20% of its key raw materials from regenerative agriculture by 2025, and as much as 50% by 2030, on a global level.

How does Nestlé contribute to environmental preservation and ecological equilibrium?

— I must say that we are very proud of our regenerative agriculture programme, which we have been implementing with our suppliers and their producers in Serbia for four years now.

The programme includes producers of dried vegetables, sunflowers and soybeans, and we are very grateful to our partners for their trust and willingness to adopt these practices. And they already recognise their benefits, with various savings leading to increased positive economic effects. Regenerative agriculture practices contribute to soil fertility and are an important factor in combating climate change, as they encourage the preservation of organic matter in the soil, biodiversity and increased soil capacity to absorb greenhouse gases. That’s why our global goal is for 20% of our key raw materials to come from regenerative agriculture by 2025, and as much as 50% by 2030.

Why are innovative plant-based products considered the future of sustainable food production?

— This way of eating brings numerous benefits, such as high nutritional value with lower caloric intake, increased fibre intake and beneficial unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants and micronutrients. Additionally, the production of plant-based food emits fewer greenhouse gases.

Nestlé has created the GARDEN GOURMET brand, a plant-based assortment available worldwide that has also been produced at our Surčin factory since February

Nestlé has created the GARDEN GOURMET brand, a plant-based assortment available worldwide, which has been produced at our Surčin factory since February this year and caters to this growing trend. Globally, Nestlé strives to replace some animal proteins with plant ingredients to meet consumer needs and contribute to achieving the goal of net zero environmental impact by 2050.

Nestlé in Serbia, as well as worldwide, is committed to raising awareness of the importance of forming healthy lifestyle habits in terms of proper nutrition and physical activity in childhood.

— We are extremely satisfied with the results of our Nestle for Healthier Kids Programme, which has involved more than 120,000 primary school pupils nationwide across Serbia over the past 12 years. This spring we reminded them of some old and somewhat forgotten games that, besides being fun, can be excellent physical activity. In Novi Sad, in cooperation with our long-term partner the Serbian School Sports Association, more than 400 primary school pupils learned about the importance of balanced nutrition and physical activity through play. Our goal is to continue supporting schools, teachers and parents in contributing together to the healthy and happy growth of children.

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