
Obrad Tadić, Smart Energy Investment CEO

EE se tretira kao novi izvor energije

The projects of company Smart Energy Investment, which relate to the reconstruction of public lighting, secure energy savings of approximately 70% and financial savings for local self-governments, while also protecting the environment. Over previous years, this company has invested around 25 million euros of private capital in its 18 projects

Speaking about the importance of energy efficiency, Smart Energy Investment CEO Obrad Tadić has called on everyone who is able to reduce consumption, particularly the public sector, to do so as soon as possible, regardless of whether they do so via public-private partnerships or in some other way that’s independent of the energy crisis itself.

How do you see the current energy situation?

Never before, energy hadn’t had greater importance, primarily due to the development of industry and society. The current crisis in Ukraine has heightened that importance.

Energy is one of the most important elements with which the parties in conflict and other interested parties condition each other. Unfortunately, the public is more occupied with loss of energy than the loss of human lives. Even if we know that developed European countries are establishing energy sources that are independent of fossil fuels, technological advances have not yet enabled Europe to become energy independent. Although supply autonomy in certain regions of Europe, in the case of blackouts, achieves independence and sustainability for a period of 7 to 10 days, it cannot be said that energy security has been achieved.

Why is energy efficiency so important today?

The best source of energy is energy that we have not consumed. All energy sources, including the cleanest ones, leave some negative traces. That’s why European legislation, including ours, treats energy efficiency (EE) as a new source of energy.

Energy efficiency is today essential. EE is not enough, but it is a measure that should be given importance that’s equal to energy production

Appeals for energy savings cannot be considered as purely financial savings, but rather appeals to achieve energy autonomy and create a better environment. When it comes to discussing the dynamics of the implementation of EE projects, we can say that their effects are realised faster than those that we gain from any form of energy production.

In which ways does your company contribute to energy efficiency?

Our predictions on the rising price of energy from six years ago, when we first started developing these projects, have come true, so the public partners who had the vision to realise the projects have handled these changes better. Energy efficiency is today essential. EE is not enough, but it is a measure that should be given importance that’s equal to energy production. That’s why we, have directed our focus to resolve EE issues in the public sector. Over previous years, approximately 25 million euros of private capital has been invested in our 18 projects. They achieve annual savings in local self-government budgets of around four million euros, calculated according to electricity prices that are controlled by the national government. If we consider the fact that the energy saved could have been sold on the free market at much higher prices, the indirect financial effect of our projects on the entire budget is at least double. From the perspective of energy independence, these projects realise savings equivalent to the production of the Potpeć and Elektromorava hydroelectric power plants together.

What are the environmental effects of these projects?

Although environmental protection has dropped out of focus due to the crisis, it is important to note that these saved MWh reduce emissions of CO2 and harmful substances by around 19.5 tons annually. Our projects have a significant impact on reducing light pollution, thanks to LED technology that provides light only where it is required, reducing light scattering to an insignificant level. All our projects use light from the most adequate spectrum of around 3000K.

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