
Milena Gajović Shrestha, General Manager, SR Technics Services

Inoviramo MRO industriju

“The fact that the SR Technics Services team from Belgrade, comprising around 310 professionals, has been given the opportunity to lead next-generation engine technology speaks volumes about us,” says General Manager Milena Gajović Shrestha

Milena Gajović Shrestha is at the helm of SR Technics Services in Belgrade and proudly highlights her belief that employees represent the company’s greatest resource. We spoke with her about the introduction of next-generation engines, the WOW initiative, creating an encouraging working environment and other intriguing topics from the MRO industry (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul).

Your company will be remembered for this summer’s introduction of next-generation engines in the form of the first geared turbofan (GTF) engine from the Zurich facility?

— Since April 2022, SR Technics has become part of the global network of GTF™ engine maintenance providers, powering the Airbus A320Neo family. As part of the GTF project, this year’s key achievement for us is the induction of the first GTF engine, with our engineering teams actively engaged in the project through numerous training courses and educational programmes.

We are very proud to have become part of the exclusive network for the maintenance of Pratt&Whitney GTF engines, providing our employees with the opportunity to be at the cutting edge of next-generation engine technology. This project represents the result of years of investment in research, development and implementation, confirming our commitment to innovation in the MRO industry. We plan to expand our workforce significantly in the coming years, creating an additional 400 jobs globally.

Could you tell us more about the “Women on Wings” initiative, which aims to promote the growth of a diverse and inclusive workforce within SR Technics?

— We were proud to launch the “Women on Wings” (WOW) initiative, which was introduced to the company in April 2024. The WOW initiative is dedicated to understanding and supporting the needs of women in modern aviation, which is typically a male-dominated industry, but that situation is shifting positively. Through networking, mentorship programmes and increased visibility, we aim to empower women in technical, operational and leadership roles. We also seek to inspire women and girls to pursue careers in aviation, thus contributing to the industry’s diversity. At SR Technics Services in Belgrade, we proudly highlight the fact that we’ve achieved near perfect gender equality (52% female colleagues and 48% male colleagues). Furthermore, when it comes to leadership positions at SR Technics Services, 60% are held by women.

Was it difficult to find enough people who are driven by passion and fully understand the company’s spirit and drive for excellence?

— That certainly wasn’t an easy task, but we managed to assemble a top professional team. At SR Technics, we continuously emphasise that our employees are our greatest resource. We strive to provide an environment in which every employee can grow and develop, both professionally and personally. Flexible working models, stimulating long-term tenure programmes and private health insurance are just some of the ways we support our teams. In this way, we strive to enable every employee to maintain a good balance between private and work life, which is crucial for our team’s long-term success and satisfaction. Throughout the year, we have numerous activities in which employees can participate according to their preferences, whether that be education, volunteering, sports, or activities that enhance their life-work balance and thus have a positive impact on their satisfaction with the working environment and atmosphere.

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