
Dušan Vuković, Director, Mitan Oil

Brinemo o tržištu, ali i o ekologiji

Mitan Oil has spent over a decade storing and delivering energy products in an environmentally friendly, socially responsible and secure manner, ensuring the wellbeing of all employees and the local community

Despite global upheavals and a significant energy crisis, the Republic of Serbia recognised the importance of national energy security in a timely manner. Storage terminals for petroleum derivatives play a crucial role in ensuring a stable supply to the market, says Mitan Oil Director Dušan Vuković.

“The energy sector in which we operate undeniably represents one of the pillars of the overall economy and its functioning is a necessary condition for economic growth and prosperity. Oil and petroleum derivatives are strategic energy resources for the global economy and will undoubtedly remain so for decades to come. Political turmoil on a global scale has redefined the entire geopolitical context in which national economies operate, while Europe has been confronted by an energy crisis. However, amid all this, the Republic of Serbia has recognised the importance of national energy security and supply stability on time.

“Storage and handling terminals for petroleum derivatives are undoubtedly a crucial element of energy security. Mitan Oil’s terminal currently stores commercial, operational and mandatory reserves of petroleum derivatives. Our clients are the most relevant players on the market within this industry. We strive to justify the trust placed in us by continuously improving the services and benefits we offer our clients. As port operators within an international port, we have made significant investments in the development and enhancement of the port area and have established successful cooperation with the Port Management Agency and the Group of Ports and Piers.

Our environmental protection and occupational health and safety policies are woven into our fundamental corporate values

“We have collaborated for more than a decade with the Smederevo Free Zone, of which we are users, providing clients with storage facilities with significant incentivising benefits. We have built a railway transshipment facility and an industrial track, for which we have obtained operating permits, aimed at diversifying the possibilities of receiving and dispatching goods. This diversification aims not only to optimise costs, but also to ensure the supply chain continuity, particularly in cases of force majeure and emergencies.

“Finally, improving industrial safety and protecting the environment are constantly in our focus and permeate all our business activities – from planning and resource allocation, to performance evaluation and identifying opportunities for improvement. Our strategic goal is to store and deliver energy products in an environmentally friendly, socially responsible and secure manner, with consideration to both our employees and the local community.

“In an industry like ours, achieving this goal requires coordinating a large number of activities and processes. It is necessary to maintain equipment and facilities to prevent water, soil and air pollution, and to conduct regular monitoring, inspections and analyses. Given that we work with large quantities of flammable materials, our fire brigade is on constant standby. Employees undergo continuous training and knowledge checks, drills and simulations of undesirable scenarios, conducted in collaboration with local fire brigades. Every employee is practically and theoretically trained by the competent authority to provide first aid to a colleague, visitor, or member of the local community.

“Our environmental protection and occupational health and safety policies are woven into the fundamental corporate values on which we base all our business activities. Although mistakes in business are common, every effort must be made to minimise them when they can result in environmental degradation or the endangering of human health. This isn’t only a matter of business ethics, but of the future of this industry. That future must be based on an awareness of the necessity of sustainable development, as the only possible path forward.”

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