
Dragan Gavrilović, General Manager, SIKA Serbia

Četiri principa za brži razvoj

Sika Serbia follows and fully implements the core elements of corporate strategy in its operations and is ready to face the future and ensure continuous profitable growth and the development of all resources ~ Dragan Gavrilović

We spoke with Sika Serbia General Manager Dragan Gavrilović about the company’s current position as a leading global manufacturer of system solutions and products for the construction sector and industry. He revealed that the Sika Group has a direct presence in 103 countries, with its innovative technologies, system solutions and products from over 400 factories, employing more than 33,000 people and engaging supply partners globally.

Where does Sika stand in this era of swift and significant technological change and innovation that’s transforming our lives, habits and needs?

— Our Strategy 2028 entails a full commitment to sustainable development and is based on four core principles: Market Penetration, Innovation and Sustainability, Acquisitions, People and Culture, with clearly set goals and expectations.

The megatrends that are present and shaping future impacts and the structure of world society, such as technological processes, digitalisation, population growth, urbanisation, demographic shifts, resource scarcity and increasing regulations in support of environmental preservation efforts are certainly primary parameters shaping Sika’s strategy in its ongoing business and development directions.

Sika and the MBCC Group joined forces globally last year, while here Master Builders Solutions became part of Sika Serbia. How would you evaluate the results of this acquisition?

— The global acquisition of another leading company in the chemical industry – MBCC Group – will undoubtedly contribute to improving and further developing our business in the global marketplace. Since 3rd May, 2023, Sika and MBCC Group have joined forces worldwide.

Sika Serbia has implemented various HR initiatives that promote employee engagement and wellbeing to create an open and positive work environment

In Serbia, Master Builders Solutions d.o.o. became part of Sika Serbia, and as of 1st July 2024, following the successful completion of the integration process in Serbia, we have been operating as a single, united team. We believe that, as an integrated team, we will complement each other perfectly on this joint business journey, and better satisfy all market demands and the needs of our partners.

Are human resources the key success factor for Sika?

— In all company processes, sectors and departments, the importance of human resources is recognised by Sika Serbia d.o.o. as the most significant factor, and it receives the greatest attention in terms of initiating and realising the company’s success. Sika Serbia’s commitment to its employees is reflected in its human resources strategy, which focuses on creating a positive and supportive work environment that fosters growth and development. We are extremely proud of our inclusive culture, in which every employee is valued and respected for their individual contributions. The best example is our onboarding programme, through which our experienced employees who have extensive, expert knowledge and tenure always support new generations.

Sika Serbia has implemented various HR initiatives that promote employee engagement and wellbeing to create an open and positive work environment. These initiatives include continuous training and development, establishing a positive work-life balance, additional health and pension insurance, employee motivation and incentive programmes, fostering teamwork and forging trust, stability and employee satisfaction. Sika will continue to be fully committed to preserving, developing and enhancing human resources as a key success factor.

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