The Ministry of Environmental Protection announced that the Government of Serbia has adopted the Air Protection Program for the period from 2022 to 2030 with an Action Plan, which defines the measures and activities that will be implemented in the future in order to improve air quality.
In this way, for the first time, Serbia received a strategic document for the air protection, the implementation of which will require investments of 2.6 billion euros in the coming years.
The goals of the program will be achieved through the reduction of emissions from various sectors, such as energy, stationary combustion plants, traffic, large industrial plants and agriculture, but also with the connection, cooperation and participation of institutions, businesses and citizens.
The program defines measures and activities that will help local self-government units in the further development of air quality plans, short-term action plans and local monitoring programs.

Some of the planned measures will enable faster replacement of old heating devices in households and renewal of the vehicle fleet by deregistration, i.e. shipping the oldest Euro 1, 2 and 3 diesel passenger vehicles and light trucks, as well as EURO I, II and III diesel buses to recycling centers.
The program foresees the implementation of activities related to education, training for the application of best practices and raising awareness, with the aim of establishing a consensus on the importance of changing habits and making contributions in this area by all members of the social community.
Improving air quality in Serbia is one of the key priorities of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
The adopted air protection program will pave the way for the implementation of measures and activities in the coming years, which will contribute to the environment, cleaner air and the health of citizens, according to the announcement.