Back in 2009, Internet Prodaja Guma (IPG) was the first online sales platform for tyres in Serbia. When it joined the Infostud Group in 2011, the site became part of Serbia’s most renowned digital company
Today, the site internet-prodaja-, together with auto parts site prodajadelova. rs, comprises the e-commerce platform within the framework of the Inspira Group, which is also a leader in the e-advertising niche. Milenko Jarić has been with the company for seven years and today works as product manager, together with his team, on improving the customer experience in online tyre sales.
Tyres are easiest for courier services
In the first few years after its establishment, IPG was among the rare e-commerce portals in the country. Customers weren’t accustomed to buying anything online, particularly tyres. But it is now evident that tyres are ideal for this form of commerce – the product can be tossed around and won’t be damaged in transport.

Another important factor in e-commerce is logistics; in the previous period, express postal services had only just begun being directed towards the B2C sector. Online retail sales of any product wasn’t possible without an importer and wholesaler, who are important factors in the e-commerce chain.
Nevertheless, the most important element was the readiness for changes and technological advancements, which in our case played an important role in the digitalisation and automation of work, but also the complete e-commerce ecosystem.
All of us spreading awareness of e-commerce is perhaps the most important factor in creating awareness among users and in setting expectations, and in helping us to now strive to be a step ahead of the wishes of consumers.
Digital sales, analogue data processing
IPG is a seasonal business that sells a product that even has its use regulated by law, and the biggest leap in sales is always recorded during the winter season. Looking back to 2009, the first orders received by the system appeared unreal. However, observing the process of handling orders we can say that it was almost completely analogue, despite the business being digital.
Customers weren’t accustomed to buying anything online, particularly tyres. But it is now evident that tyres are ideal for this form of commerce – the product can be tossed around and won’t be damaged in transport
The number of orders grew gradually over time, leading to a need to change something in the handling process. The first time we received 100 orders in a single day during the winter season served as a kind of stress test that showed us our limits. Something had to be changed, so we started slowly revising each process one at a time. This is how we ended up with a fully autonomous and automated system that processes twothirds of the orders independently and submits the ordered goods for shipping.
The previous year saw the setting of an absolute record with over 600 orders received in a single day. The system that we established proved successful in eliminating almost all human labour and, most importantly, saved both the time and energy of people in the team, enabling them to deal with other sales activities.
Just like the automation system that we’ve integrated, our experience suggests that AI should find applications specifically in increasing efficiency through the replacing of repetitive human work that requires little knowhow and is conducted according to a template.
The average tyre consumer in Serbia
Our statistics show that the IPG website sells, on average, 70% budget tyres, 20% “value” tyres and around 10% premium tyres, which provides a clear picture of our average website user, but also of the market generally.
When asked why consumers should buy tyres online, we respond as follows:
• Choice of delivery location (home or tyre shop)
• Complementary Atlas roadside assistance package
• Discount on spare parts
• Discount on technical service,
• Discounts on trye services at selected tyre shops.
And our call centre is still staffed by human beings 😊