We learned on the go, overcame obstacles, improved distance learning and all with tremendous support from teams of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and a great sacrifice from the teachers
Serbian Radio and Television provided its production capacities to the Serbian education system in an incredibly short time, so that under Covid-19, lessons would be available to all students in primary and secondary schools via the RTS platform.
Ilija Cerović, acting Director and editor-inchief of the RTS educational and scientific programme received this year’s NALED Recognition for the promotion of reforms for his contribution to reforming the traditional approach to education.
What was the role of RTS and what were the results in the organization of distance learning during the pandemic?
It was a great professional challenge for editors, journalists, production staff and technicians, the entire RTS community. The educational and scientific programme suspended its regular production and directed all available resources towards the My School project. Classes for primary and secondary schools were broadcast on RTS2 and RTS3. Furthermore, a repository of educational video content for primary and secondary school students was established on the free mobile app RTS My School, on the RTS website and on the free multimedia internet platform RTS Planet.
From 16 March to 15 June 2020, the public media service recorded, processed and broadcast a total of about 2,280 hours for primary and secondary schools, with test analysis of two trial final exams for junior high school graduation. This success is highlighted by the fact that in regular circumstances the educational and scientific programme annually produces an average of about 700 half-hour show.
We are interested in continuing cooperation with NALED, the Republic Secretariat for Public Policies and other project partners, especially in promoting project teaching and distance learning
How did your close work with teachers influence your further approach in the development of the programme and your thoughts about the role of RTS in promoting distance learning?
The closure of educational institutions due to the coronavirus pandemic has shown the importance of digital media, the Internet and technology in education. All this imposes the need for cooperation between RTS and the Ministry of Education to be further developed through the creation of new and connecting the already existing audio-video material with the teaching units on the RTS Planet platform.
What RTS and the educational and scientific programme no other TV have, are series that in various ways support all participants in education, develop so-called soft skills like critical thinking, non-conflictual communication and teamwork, and provide models of good practice for educators to implement teaching innovations.d the city that first defeated the virus.
You cooperated with NALED on the national competition Magic is in the Hands of Teachers – are you planning any new joint initiatives?
RTS was the media sponsor of Magic is in the Hands of Teachers, which was carried out by NALED under the project Public-Private Dialogue for Development to affirm the role and competencies of teachers as supporting pillars in the development of society. The educational and scientific programme contributes the training of youth, but also all of us, for the coming age of artificial intelligence and machine learning. In this sense we are interested in continuing cooperation with NALED, the Republic Secretariat for Public Policies and other project partners, especially in promoting project teaching and distance learning.