The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has arrived in Belgrade to open the Serbian-Turkish economic forum.
President of Turkey, his wife Emina and the Turkish delegation were welcomed at Nikola Tesla Airport by Serbian President Vučić and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selaković, Minister of Agriculture Branislav Nedimović and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić were also present.

Erdogan arrived in Belgrade as part of a three-day visit to the region. Before Belgrade, he stayed in Sarajevo, and on 8th September he will visit Croatia, where he will talk with the highest state officials and open the Islamic Cultural Center and the mosque in Sisak.
As announced by the Turkish agency Anadolia, additional developments in the already good cooperation with the countries of the region in the political and economic sense are expected from Erdogan’s visit.
Several cooperation agreements will be signed with Serbia, after which the two presidents will address the media, and then they will open the Serbian-Turkish Business Forum.