The Italian Embassy in Belgrade announces that a six-member medical team has arrived in Serbia: two anesthesiologists, one emergency doctor, one specialist in infectious diseases, one surgeon, and one medical technician.
On a special flight, they landed at Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla Airport.
The Italian medical team, which works under the coordination of the Italian Civil Protection, consists of people who come from different Italian regions: Piedmont, Lazio, Apulia and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
Italian team came to Serbia to provide assistance and training based on the experience gained during the five-month fight against the COVID19 virus in Italy. Exchange of opinions and best practices with doctors and medical staff in Serbia will be able to help fight the virus.
With this initiative, Italy wants to once again point out the importance of friendship with Serbia, the exceptional level of bilateral cooperation, as well as to respond to the generous assistance that Serbia sent to the Italian people in April this year.
Emergenza #COVID19: ieri, 2 agosto un #ATR42 del #ServizioAereo #GDF ha trasportato, dall’#Aeroporto di #PraticadiMare a #Belgrado, un’equipe medica con lo scopo di fornire supporto alla popolazione #serba.#NoiconVoi @DPCgov @ItalyMFA
— Guardia di Finanza (@GDF) August 3, 2020