“We admire the Ukrainians for their determination to realize their decisions to live in a country that is free, prosperous and to make their own decisions,” said the European Union Ambassador to Serbia, Emanuele Giofre, who, together with the US Ambassador Christopher Hill and the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Minister of Serbian Affairs, Nemanja Starović, participated in the ceremonial gathering on the occasion of the 31st Independence Day of Ukraine.
The messages of support were sent to the Ukraine regarding the war that began six months ago.
EU ambassador Gioffre stated that it is a day of celebration, but also a day of mourning for all the victims of the war in Ukraine, while U.S. ambassador Hill noted that no country in the world is facing the difficulties that Ukraine is currently facing, which was attacked by its neighbor without warning.
“It is hard to believe that in the 21st century such an attack on the human race can happen. It’s unacceptable,” ambasador Hill said.

State Secretary of Serbia Starović sent his most sincere wishes for peace, stability and prosperity of Ukraine, as well as for the well-being of all its citizens.
“The Republic of Serbia is strongly determined to develop dialogue and bilateral cooperation on the basis of traditionally friendly and close ties with Ukraine,” Starović said and reiterated that Serbia supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity. He also thanked Ukraine for not recognizing Kosovo’s independence.
Previously, the Independence Day of Ukraine was marked in Belgrade with a peaceful walk from Pionirski Park to Republic Square and the formation of a live chain called “Free World”.
Those gathered wore Ukrainian flags and Ukrainian national costumes.
War photos are exhibited in the Hub as a part of the exhibition called “Greetings from Ukraine”.
A charity fair was also held to collect donations to help Ukrainian children.