At today’s session, the government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Bill on Ratification of the Agreement between the government of the Republic of Serbia and the government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on Exchange and Mutual Protection of Classified Information, as a condition for strengthening bilateral cooperation in the security sector.
The government also adopted the Decree on the distribution of incentives in agriculture and rural development in 2021, which will optimally support underdeveloped areas of agricultural production, as well as areas with difficult working conditions, by improving the competitiveness of agricultural farms.
Also, the Decree on the conditions and manner of conducting the subsidized procurement of passenger vehicles for the needs of the renewal of the taxi fleet as public transport was adopted.
This, as well as the previous regulation, envisages non-refundable funds that are approved to taxi carriers in the dinar equivalent of €8,000 for the purchase of new vehicles for performing this activity.
During 2020, about RSD 550,000,000 was provided for the purchase of 450 new vehicles.
The budget for 2021 envisages funds in the amount of about RSD 2,500,000,000 for about 2,200 taxis.
The subsidy will be implemented by 2022, which means that the vehicle fleet will be largely replaced in these three years.
Today, the government adopted the State Programme for Reconstruction, i.e., urgent works on the rehabilitation of facilities for protection from waters damaged in floods caused by natural disasters in June 2020, for the implementation of which RSD 1,103,080,000 was allocated.