Prince Petar Karađorđević announced that he has signed a decision to abdicate, by which he renounces all the rights that fall to him on the basis of his birth as first child and transfers them to the second in seniority, his brother Filip.
Prince Petar, the eldest son of Prince Alexander Karađorđević and grandson of King Peter II Karađorđević, signed the decision on abdication in the Palace of St. Andrew in Seville, in the presence of witnesses, aware that in this way he waives all rights for himself and all his descendants who were or will be born in or out of wedlock.
“I do not renounce the rights to inherit the name, membership of the royal house, title of prince and all other rights and obligations that law and tradition give to and impose upon a family member”, said Prince Petar, whose decision to abdicate came into force after signing.
The witnesses who signed included his mother, Princess María de la Gloria de Orleans-Braganza and Duchess of Segorbe, his stepfather Ignacio, Duke of Segorbe, hieromonk Mikel Ortega Modest, Elder of the Church of the Holy Archangel Michael in Palma, Mallorca, Crown Prince Filip, his sister Soul, Countess of Ampurias, Mr Ljubodrag Grujić, member of the Crown Council, Chancellor and Herald of the House of Karađorđev and Mr Nikola Stanković, the Chief of Cabinet of the Crown Prince.

As the prince points out, he officially informed his father, head of the royal house Prince Alexander, and the Serbian patriarch Porphyry, about his adamant decision.
He believes that it is in the interest of the dynasty for the heir to the throne to live with his family in Serbia among his people.
He observes that his brother Prince Filip has tied his and his family’s life to Serbia, where the first male member of the Karađorđević dynasty in nine decades, Prince Philip’s successor Prince Stefan, was born.
Prince Petar says that he will continue his life as before, in Seville.