Under celebrations marking the 125th anniversary of the founding of the brewery in Čelarevo, Carlsberg Srbija has presented the monograph “Čudo u Čibu” (Miracle in Čibo), the first document ever written about the history of the brewery.
The monograph was officially presented at the old Dunđerski mansion in Čelarevo, with numerous guests in attendance, including representatives of the provincial government, the diplomatic corps, local governments and the media.
Guests were addressed by the President of the Provincial Government, Igor Mirović, Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of Denmark in Serbia, Morten Skovgaard Hansen, and Carlsberg Srbija CEO Vladimir Vava.
“It is a great honour for me to have the opportunity to congratulate you on the 125th birthday and the publishing of the monograph “Miracle in Čibo”, which addresses the history of the brewery, whose founder was Lazar Dunđerski.
Following privatisation in 2003, when Carlsberg became the brewery’s owner, more than 220 million euros has been invested and remarkable operating results achieved, which are just part of the overall results of the development of our economy and that is thanks to these kinds of companies that continuously invest in existing production processes, environmental protection, new technologies and everything else that makes Serbia proud,” said Igor Mirović, President of the Provincial Government.