All of the study programmes at our faculty are popular, but information technology is certainly ahead of all others, due to the continuous increase in the number of interested and enrolled students.
During the transition period and swift progression towards an information society, the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management (FIMEK) and its Information Technology Department have special importance and a role to play in educating experts who are both necessary and desired for the further development and expansion of IT. Computer literacy and the application of IT tools are important for doing business, competition, and profitability, i.e. overall economic development.
Which study levels do you cater for with the courses you offer your students (graduate, postgraduate, doctoral)?
FIMEK provides a wide range of high quality, accredited study programmes for graduate academic, postgraduate academic and doctoral studies. The Faculty has 15 study programmes at three levels. All of these programmes have been created in line with the curricula of renowned European universities, which train experts and teach in accordance with the basic principles of the European study system.
How does the Faculty adapt its curriculum to the needs of the labour market?
The modern workplace has a growing need for people who are able to gather, evaluate, synthesise and apply information, as well as being able to consider a number of possible solutions; not just one “right” solution. The professors and assistant professors at the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management are preparing students for life in modern society. Our faculty provides students with the ability to convey complex ideas, solve complicated problems, and deal with vague situations.
FIMEK has signed over thirty cooperation agreements with international educational institutions and we have been working constantly to boost and expand cooperation with both existing and new partners.
The experience from developed countries shows that modern curricula need new content, a new approach in acquiring that content and a new organisation of teaching processes. The faculties of the new generation, or the 21st-century faculties, have to be based on new tools, while simultaneously enabling simple and fast access to general global knowledge.
This is the last moment for starting the thorough transformation of the education system, which will now use ICT much more than before. When devising the curriculum and the programmes for all educational profiles of the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, we were guided by the rules of the profession, or Lege Artis.
How have you been advancing your scientific and research capacities?
In terms of improving FIMEK’s scientific and research capacity, our priorities lie with project activities that we carry out at the local, provincial, state and international levels. Additionally, during the current academic year, FIMEK participated in the organisation of three science and technology meetings.
Of course, our professors and assistant professors have been publishing their papers in specialised magazines, which is also their obligation – considering that our teaching staff is highly motivated and focused on continuous improvement and progress.
With which foreign scientific institutions do you cooperate?
Examples of tangible collaboration with foreign universities can best be seen in our project activities. In January FIMEK submitted a joint project in which we partnered the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Philosophy, the University of Maribor’s Faculty of Philosophy, the Independent University from Banja Luka, the Prometej College of Applied and Legal Sciences from Banja Luka and the Technical College of Vocational Studies from Novi Sad, which just shows that our collaboration with foreign higher learning institutions is stable and realised through numerous activities.
FIMEK has signed over thirty cooperation agreements with international educational institutions and we have been working constantly to boost and expand cooperation with both existing and new partners. Thanks to this international cooperation, our students are now given an opportunity to spend a semester abroad, studying at the best European universities. Furthermore, our graduate students can continue their postgraduate and doctoral studies abroad. Additionally, the Faculty also holds summer schools for foreign students.