
Space of Resistance

Culture On Baking Concrete

Culture can chill us out and provide an escape from our daily grind, while it can also be ennobling and can create space to resist things we oppose. Here our interlocutors explain how culture should be consumed on a daily basis

Can the stressful situations that we encounter on a daily basis be treated with culture? How can we survive summer in the city and where should we go? Is focusing on cultural content a form of escapism or an attempt for us to better understand reality? This month’s Focus article explores these questions through interviews with representatives of cultural institutions. Their insights shed light on the role of cultural activities in our lives, particularly during the peak summer months, when we aren’t as busy with work and have more time to devote to ourselves and to feeding the soul.

Jelena Milašinović, PR Manager of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra

Shield Against Banality

Over the course of two hours of presenting and performing symphonic music live, the Philharmonic Orchestra offers the audience a kind of oasis of...

Milica Ševarlić, PR Manager of the Belgrade Youth Centre

Art is Medicinal

I view a focus on cultural activities as a form of positive escapism, up to the point at which It represents a substitute for...

Zorana Đaković Minniti, Associate Director of Programming at the Cultural Centre of Belgrade

Location and Space of Resistance

You must be attentive and patient, and seek cultural content that provides knowledge and new perspectives, as well as promoting a more just world Culture...

Monika Husar, KomunikArt Founder and CEO

Medicine of medicines

Culture helps us deal with stressful days, by sparking our imagination and conveying a notion when we are bored, teaching us and creating space...