Artworks from the rich art collection of Vojvođanska Banka, by authors Milan Konjović, Milan Kečić, Stojan Trumić, Milan Kerc, Zoran Petrović and other greats, were presented to the Belgrade public for the first time in the National Bank of Serbia at the opening of the exhibition “Responsible in culture”.
Under the organization of Vojvođanska Banka and the Matica Srpska Gallery, 33 selected paintings by renowned local artists from the second half of the twentieth century are being presented.
“We owe thanks for the opportunity to exhibit these valuable and carefully selected works in Belgrade to our partners at Matica Srpska Gallery, but also at the National Bank of Serbia. I would like to thank them, because now – with their support – we are exhibiting 33 paintings, while at the same time we’re working on processing and valuing the remaining 600 works, which is how many there are in our collection,” “said Zorica Džida, Director of the CSR Department of Vojvođanska Banka.
“Responsible in culture” is a selection of the best and most representative works that highlight the values of the art gathered under the auspices of the bank over the past half-century, showing their responsible attitude towards cultural heritage,” stressed Dr Tijana Palkovljević Bugarski, administrator of Matice Srpska Gallery.