The region’s first-ever conference on the digital economy has been held in Belgrade, under the organisation of the Centre for Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation ICT Hub and the Association of Italian business leaders in Serbia – Confindustria Serbia.
The conference gathered together representatives of more than 100 Italian and Serbian companies, with both traditional and IT companies from Serbia and Italy represented.
Apart from numerous experts from the IT business sector, the event was also attended by representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia: Nemanja Stevanović, investment and economic advisor to the Prime Minister of Serbia, and Tatjana Matić, State Secretary at the Serbian Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, who both spoke about what the government can do to develop the digital society as a whole.
The conference’s special guest speaker was Apple Computer former COO Marco Landi, who gave a lecture on how start-ups are transforming the traditional economy.