From the very beginning, Basna worked on sustainable development, which included a gender-responsive work environment, a socially responsible business, respect for the needs of the modern labour market and the creation of a replicable model in the fight against climate change
Our goal is to create and use new technologies that will relieve our planet. The most important thing for us is not to be at the top, but to participate in the fight against climate change – says the owner of Basna, known for biochar, one of the six technologies with negative emissions.
You have been building your brand and reputation for years, carefully, step by step. How difficult is it to preserve and maintain success?
If we measure success only by turnover and profit, then we are not in the successful category. The goal was to turn from a small rural family business into an example of good practice in innovative business, which we have achieved.

Regardless of the obstacles, we have never stopped believing that biochar is a sustainable solution and one of the key ingredients in the fight against climate change. When, in 2018, biochar was added to the list of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as one of the six technologies with negative emissions that should be promoted in the fight against climate change. We also received confirmation that through a decade of business we have directed our resources, knowledge and beliefs to achieving realistic goals.
We have created economic, social and environmental value, as judged by both the scientific and research community and groups and individuals who are potential users of the product.
The difference between biochars and other technologies in the fight against climate change comes from the incomparable cascading benefits of biochars
Is expanding the offer of innovative solutions one of your priorities?
We can say that we have opened the door to new investment in this sector. We have proven that the difference between biochars and other technologies in the fight against climate change comes from the incomparable cascading benefits of biochars. The greater the amount of biochar that is introduced into the soil, the more CO2 is removed and captured from the atmosphere. For this reason, we have created a range of products for use in other sectors, besides agriculture and animal husbandry. We are recognised on foreign markets, today it is our priority to ensure our presence on the Serbian market as well.
Who can and who should be responsible for the fight for the empowerment of women and for a safer and fairer society?
We see political and legal progress in favor of gender equality, but also prejudice and gender stereotypes that do not let up. Traditions and customs are part of our identity, but most often they are not fair, nor are they in the interest of the sustainable future of society. This is shown by the negative impact of the uneven distribution of inheritance, which makes it more difficult for women to start their own business to be passed down through the generations. In this context, it is necessary for girls to be encouraged and empowered from an early age, that is, for the family not to differentiate between male and female children. I also believe that the introduction of entrepreneurship into formal education, starting from the lowest grades, would further motivate girls to freely express their potential.
As the president of the Association Nadežda Petrović, which brings together entrepreneurs and women in leadership positions in the City of Čačak, I can say that we share the same visions that are reflected in the creation of harmonious, stable, safe, sustainable and environmentally friendly urban development. Besides our family, personal and business obligations, we spare neither ourselves nor our time for the benefit of current and future female entrepreneurs. What we all have in common are self-initiative, boldness and fearlessness, the fact that we always want more from ourselves and that we persistently follow our own path.