
Embassy Of Montenegro


Ana Ražnatović

Address:Knez Mihajlova 10, IV Floor, Belgrade
Tel:+381 11 2662 30

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Montenegro’s Foreign Trade Reaches €4.26 Billion in First 11 Months of 2023

Montenegro's total foreign trade in goods amounted to €4.26 billion in the first 11 months of 2023, a 3.7% increase compared to the same...

Western Balkans Forge Ahead with EU Agricultural Collaboration

In a significant step toward modernizing and strengthening agriculture in the Western Balkans, Serbia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia have sealed cooperation agreements under the...


Stability & Reform Lead to Success

With continued political commitment and strategic planning, Montenegro is well-positioned to achieve sustainable growth and advance towards EU membership Montenegro has made significant strides in...

Tamás Kamarási, MFIC President (CEO of Crnogorska Komercijalna Banka (CKB))

Helping Unlock Montenegro’s Full Potential

MFIC can play a key role in preparing Montenegro to navigate both current and future global challenges, turning them into opportunities Many international and domestic...

Nik Gjeloshaj, Montenegrin Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy and Minister of Economic Development

Positioning Montenegro to Compete Regionally and Globally

Montenegro’s approach, to economic development – centred around tourism, ICT, agriculture, energy and SMEs, and coupled with strategic government measures – promotes long-term stability...

Novica Vuković, Minister of Finance of Montenegro

Good News for Citizens and Investors

The macroeconomic environment is stable, with growth exceeding expectations. And we aim to improve living standards and the investment environment by reforming tax and...

Simonida Kordić, Montenegrin Minister of Tourism

Forging a Sustainable Tourism Destination

Diversifying the tourism product and expanding the offer across the entire country, as well as beyond the peak season, represent the foundation blocks of...

Predrag Zenović, Chief Negotiator of Montenegro with the European Union, Ministry of European Affairs

Demonstrating Seriousness and Commitment

Montenegro represents a driving force for European integration in the region, which is crucial for establishing economic, political and security stability—a key principle of...