Fanuc works to remove obstacles to automation and help customers optimise their production processes, which particularly came to the fore during the pandemic that had a great impact on the way business is done, accelerating digitalisation
True digitalisation means the digital transformation of all processes within a company, emphasises Bojan Groboljšek, office manager at FANUC Serbia, which is part of the Japanese FANUC group of companies, representing the world’s leading manufacturer of industrial automation products, with 4.4 million CNC controls and 750,000 robots installed worldwide.
Digitalisation is one of the most current trends in industry globally. What benefits does it bring to manufacturing companies?
Within the scope of production itself, digitalisation can make all processes more transparent. We can observe processes, break them down into individual elements and perform accurate analysis completely digitally. In this way, we can plan production and anticipate and plan maintenance times even better.
How do you think the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digitalisation?
The pandemic has definitely touched the way businesses operate. We’ve started to learn to work in the digital environment even more, as face-to-face meetings simply disappeared over time. In the first wave, companies were left without the physical presence of workers virtually overnight.
How would you evaluate the progress achieved by local manufacturing companies on the path of digitalisation and digital transformation over recent years?
I can’t say that local manufacturing companies are more digitalised than those that are deeper into this process in the Adriatic area. Everything is done in accordance with the latest digital trends and the decision to embark on digital transformation doesn’t depend as much on geographical location as it does on the strategy of the manufacturing company itself.
Database security can also be a major trap, because we’re talking about very sensitive data, such as trade secrets, from both the manufacturing company and its partner companies. The introduction of digitalisation must be conducted wisely, with both efficiency and security
What do you think are the major pitfalls of digitalisation for manufacturing companies and how can they be avoided?
Business is people. The main trap of digitalisation is certainly the loss of personal contact between employees. I myself believe that, for example, working from home can be very helpful in performing daily tasks, as it enables a lot of flexibility and also saves us quite a lot of time. However, on the other hand, such work limits our personal contact with people in person.
Database security can also be a major trap, because we’re talking about very sensitive data, such as trade secrets, from both the manufacturing company and its partner companies. The introduction of digitalisation must be conducted wisely, with both efficiency and security.
How does FANUC help companies on the path to digitalisation and digital transformation?
All our products are ready for the IoT, be it CNC controllers, industrial robots or machines. At Fanuc, we have quite a few IoT solutions, such as FIELD, MT-Linki, ZDT and FAR (Fanuc Assisted Reality) remote service assistance, which provide effective support and overviews of production, with an emphasis on hardware. With this equipment, our customers can connect production machines of different generations that are made by different manufacturers, which enables the collection of comprehensive data and subsequent analysis of the entire production process. The goal is clear: assure customers that their equipment will work one hundred per cent of the time, without unplanned downtime.
Fanuc works persistently to remove obstacles to automation and to help customers optimise their production processes.
For more highlights, you can follow the company on Linkedin – FANUC Serbia.