Wienerberger d.o.o. Kanjiža is part of the world’s largest manufacturer of building materials and its obligation is to always have something new for the market, which is what the company has been doing every year. This is why it has new products and services planned already for 2020
Good business results go together with product innovation. Sales and Marketing Director at Wienerberger, Ivan Vujisić talks about the company’s product range and its advantages.
Wienerberger brings something new and special to the Serbian building material market. Are you planning on developing new products?
– In 2019, in cooepration with architects from Serbia and Europe, we have introduced new, modern-designed roof tile Inspira. It is a strong but lightweight clay roof tile that architects adore. We also have the top quality ancillary equipment and technical support, with the aim of making sure that an entire roof lasts as long as the Tondach tiles.
Our special solution for roof to chimney, Koraflex Plus, was introduced in 2019. Building in line with the DryFix-free mortar system using our Profi Porotherm clay blocks is something that’s quite popular on the market, as are our AKU 25 sound solutions.
Tondach clay tiles, Continental Plus NATURA, are the winner of the Nova Vizura Award that we received at the 2018 SEEBBE Construction Fair in Belgrade. The tile has higher resistance and durability associated with natural clay, which – thanks to the application of new technologies – will last for decades.
The best validation of our achievements is the fact that our competition is trying to copy our products, sometimes even their names, but this is the destiny that we, as the market leader, gladly accept. This is why we have new products and services planned already for 2020.
How much energy can be saved through the use of your building materials? Which Wienerberger product is the most popular?
– In cooperation with independent experts for passive low-energy houses, we have compared numerous concepts of house construction with different building technique systems. It is important to say that if you use our recommended products in building walls, you can achieve all the energy requirements related to low-energy houses (LEH) without requiring additional insulation.
All our other certified products and systems provide solutions to the most demanding situations
Our most popular products are defiitely Porotherm 25 IZO Profi and Porotherm 38 Profi blocks, which meet the current energy standard and don’t require additional thermal insulation. Of course, we have products that are of exceptionally high standards made for our e4 concept, like the unrivalled Porotherm 50 IZO Profi clay block.
Can you tell us more about your many smart clay solutions?
– Special construction solutions using the Porotherm system ensure a healthy climate, excellent sound protection and safety, as well as maintaining the investment’s permanent value. In addition to thermal insulation, I would also mention the sound solution of our Porotherm 25 AKU block. All you need to do is line it with bricks and you’ll have noise protection in line with the required standards.
You are getting ready for the 2020 Brick Award. Could you elaborate on this award that you give out and competition terms?
– The Wienerberger Brick Award, which we have been giving out since 2004, is an architectural award presented every two years for outstanding examples of modern and innovative architectural solutions using bricks.
In 2020, Wienerberger will present the new cycle of competitions for the ninth consecutive time. Architects, critics and architectural journalists can apply with their projects online. In 2018, nearly 600 projects from more than 50 countries were submitted for award consideration. Ceramic products must play a significant role in the project, ranging from clay blocks to facade bricks, tiles or clay pavers. The use of Wienerberger products is not a mandatory requirement for participation.