Thanks to its commitment to sustainable development, the Henkel Company has achieved excellent results and maintained its leadership position successfully for many years. “To Achieve More with Less” is the idea at the core of Henkel’s sustainability strategy, which the company uses as a guideline for all its business processes and activities
Henkel’s factory in Kruševac, which produces powder and liquid detergents and household cleaning products, was the first factory in Serbia ever – in May 2012 – to be certified with ISO 50001 energy efficiency certification, which is a validation of the success of our strategy, as well as of our continuous investments in sustainable operations.
While we are on the topic of Henkel’s factory in Kruševac, it is also worth mentioning our top filter, which is integrated into the factory tower to filter out all sorts of air particles and microparticles that linger in the air after production. Because of this filter, the air we release is now completely clean. In addition to releasing almost 100 per cent pure air into the atmosphere, the top filter also saves on water and electricity.
In many aspects, Henkel’s Kruševac factory is at the forefront of implementing solutions that facilitate sustainable production. Thanks to a completely closed water filtration system, we have no wastewater whatsoever, because the filtered water is reused in production. This year we expect to get the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certificate. Once this is done, we will become the first factory in Serbia to have this certificate, which is possessed by very few industrial facilities.
Thanks to the aforementioned activities in the sustainability segment, the Henkel Company has been ranked among the world’s 100 most sustainable global corporations, given the rank of ‘gold’ by EcoVadis
In September 2015, SEKOPAK outlined Henkel Serbia’s significant contribution to meeting the national goals for CO2 emission reduction and waste management. On the occasion, we were given the Certificate for the Reduction of Emissions of Harmful Gases and Achieved Results in Waste Management. As a socially responsible company, we regularly implement a series of environmental protection measures in our production facilities in Kruševac and Inđija.
A report about the global sustainability of the Henkel Company was released recently. We are proud to say that we have exceeded the strategy’s goals for the 2011–15 period. We have made great progress in all key areas of our sustainability strategy, including reducing electricity and water consumption, producing less waste and others. The company is continuing to work on its long-term global and local goals, as stated in the sustainability strategy covering the period until 2030.
For many years now, thanks to the aforementioned activities in the sustainability segment, the Henkel Company has been ranked among the world’s 100 most sustainable global corporations, given the rank of ‘gold’ by EcoVadis. Henkel Serbia will continue to implement all measures and achieve the goals outlined in the sustainability strategy, which contribute to long-term environmental protection and sustainable business operations.