PUTINVEST has built an enviable professional reputation in the domain of designing roads with associated utilities, as well as in providing consultancy services in this domain. The company has developed good cooperation with both foreign investors and local governments, but also with the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Roads of Serbia and Corridors of Serbia
PUTINVEST is a private company based in Belgrade that deals with the design of road surfaces with associated utilities, as well as all consultancy services in this area, such as technical control, technical reception, project management and other professional works.
Your company has amassed 16 years of work in this domain. Could you please explain the field in which you operate in greater detail?
– We have major experience in design works for all types of roads (streets, state roads, connections to state roads, roads within the scope of the industrial complexes etc.), as well as good cooperation with local governments and the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Roads of Serbia and Corridors of Serbia. We’ve also achieved successful cooperation with domestic and foreign private clients, such as Rio Tinto, WindVision, Strabag, Eptisa etc.
How are your company’s capacities when it comes to a skilled workforce?
– PUTINVEST comprises a team of graduate engineers and master construction, traffic and geodetics engineers, as well as narrowly specialised companies with experts that we engage as and when needed, who have extensive experience and possess all the required licenses.
In addition to that, we have licenses from the Ministry, as well as a license issued by the Republic Geodetic Authority. According to the applicable Law, these licenses are essential for the development of projects and the completing of technical controls of roads, traffic and traffic signals for first and second class state roads, as well as conections to those roads and roads structures.
The company’s portfolio and many other details are available on our website, WWW.PUTINVEST.RS. Interested parties can also contact us via our e-mail address office@putinvest.rs
We have complemented our desire to improve our business processes and the integrity of the company through membership in the Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia (ACES) and Association BIM Serbia, as well as through the introduction of three ISO standards (9001, 14001 and 45001).
Which sectors have you most often worked in?
– Our experience is reflected in the design of roads with associated infrastructure in various sectors. We can say that we’ve participated, as a company or through our engineers, in every major infrastructure project implemented on the territory of the Republic of Serbia over the past 35 years. As designers, technical control or technical reception, we’ve participated in the heavy maintance and construction of more than 700km of state roads.
We’ve conducted city road design projects for more than 50 local governments, while we also have extensive experience in designing roads for private investors. We’re working on wind farm roadways for more than 300km of roads for approximately 170 wind turbines of various manufacturers (Siemens, Enercon, Vestas, GE etc.).
What do you consider as being the key to achieving high standards in this area?
– PUTINVEST owes its business success to the combined efforts of all employees, led by the vision of good and safe road and traffic infrastructure and a high level of service, in accordance with all regulatory requirements and the best professional practises.