The British International School, one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Serbia, is currently being attended by pupils, aged from two to 18, who come from more than 30 countries
We are proud to announce that the British International School (BIS) will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary in June 2022.
It is hard to believe how much time flies and that the academic excellence we’ve provided to our students over past decades has brought us to the school’s Silver Jubilee.
BIS has expanded its student body over the course of these 25 years, and it continues to grow – now boasting students from over 30 countries. We are proud to now have pupils aged from two to 18 learning at our four campuses.
BIS can be proud of its highquality teaching staff, including both those who earned their qualifications in the UK and those trained locally, many of whom have been working at the school for many years
Our alumni have gone on to study at some of the world’s most prestigious universities, including Cambridge University, Oxford University, the London School of Economics, Imperial College, the University of Edinburgh, Berkeley University USA, the University of Rotterdam, the University of Vienna and many here at the University of Belgrade, to name but a few.
We pride ourselves on the quality of our teaching staff, whether they be qualified educators from the UK or our highly qualified local teachers, many of whom have been with us for many years. Their knowledge, application and experience of our adapted British curriculum has led to the quality learning that occurs at BIS.