Emanating from the Municipality of Lapovo are new ideas and a willingness to cooperate with state institutions and potential investors, as evidenced by the numerous projects launched and implemented in 2018 and since the start of this year
For municipal president Boban Miličić, the planning of Lapovo’s sustainable development is essential to achieving the goals that have been set and will be pursued in the period ahead, in order to secure new jobs for citizens, a better standard of living and a better future.
“The Municipality of Lapovo – as a municipality with a favourable geostrategic position and a wealth of natural resources, which is traversed by pan-European Corridor 10, National Road I and Highway E-75, the Belgrade-Niš-Skopje-Athens international railroad and the Great Morava river – has exceptional potential to achieve continuous sustainable development, create a favourable business climate and achieve a high standard of living for all residents.
“We are working continuously to improve the standard of living for citizens and to improve the business climate, as evidenced by projects that have been launched and implemented:
The renovation of King Aleksandar Obrenović Square, in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government; the reconstruction and energy rehabilitation of the building of the Municipality of Lapovo, in cooperation with the Ministry of Mining and Energy;
the completion of project documentation for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Svetozar Marković Primary School (including the school building and sports hall) and the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the building of the health centre (both projects via the Public Investment Management Office);
the inter-municipal project (Topola, Lapovo, Rekovac) “Good Asset Management – Exchange 5” – compiling an inventory of assets and legalising water supply and sewage facilities;
reconstruction of the station houses of Lapovo and Lapovo Village on the Belgrade-Niš railroad; a public-private partnership to replace all existing street lighting with LED lights;
the procurement of equipment for the Lapovo Health Centre and the Naša Mladost Nursery School via the Ministry without a portfolio;
preparation of project documentation for the recultivating of the old landfill site and faecal collector, in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection;
the project to complete the main water pipeline and reservoir R-5;
reconstruction of the 110 kW power stations – two MBTS ‘Stara milicija’ and ‘Solunska’, in cooperation with the Public Investment Management Office;
reconstruction of the water supply and sewage network at the Naša Mladost Nursery School, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice.
Our priority in the period ahead will be the construction of sewage network, a rainwater drainage network and preventative flood protection
Aware of the need to create new jobs and attract investors, the Municipality of Lapovo clearly defined four business zones covering a total area of around 1,200 hectares. The first zone is equipped with infrastructure ais already home to companies Kronošpan, Baki, Trnava Promet and Todorović Co.
The construction land of the other three business zones is still under private ownership and we are currently unable to purchase and adapt it to the purpose. We expect assistance from the relevant ministries and the Government of the Republic of Serbia in order for us to be able to take maximum advantage of our geographical position and utilise the potential of our municipality in the best possible way.
During the course of this year, we plan to purchase part of the land from our own funds, and we expect the relevant ministries, as has been the case to date, to go out of their way to help us in securing the necessary infrastructure.
As a highly-developed municipality, Lapovo is environmentally healthy and is fully ordered in a utility sense, as a community that respects the principles of sustainability and environmental protection. New jobs are continuously being created in Lapovo thanks to an effective policy of attracting investors based on the utilisation of our competitive advantages that are a result of a favourable geostrategic position along Corridor 10.”