After tumultuous experiences with different investors over several years, Sombor-based Black Horse, Serbia’s only domestic producer of vehicle batteries, finally got back to its feet in 2022 with its new Czech owner, CEI Industries
Last year will be fondly remembered by vehicle battery maker Black Horse, as it marked the return of the company’s products to the market, which is also confirmed by the words of company director Petar Miljković.

This is the start of a major market comeback and we expect this trend to achieve its full momentum this year. We’ve so far created a service network that will primarily enable us to realise our outlined operational dynamics and to next year try to regain part of the market. And when I say market, I’m referring to that of the Adriatic region, and we’ve also signed more than 40 contracts with local sales representatives – stresses Miljković.
Everyone at Black Horse achieved great technological advances in 2022 and acquired significant experiences on the market.
“After many years, we achieved positive operations in 2022. The company has stabilised and there are finally financial elements that enable us to launch new investment cycles. Last year was also marked by an increase in the number of employees and the introduction of another shift. We undertook a major overhaul in May and June, which meant production being halted, but productivity is now two or three times higher than it was before,” reveals Miljković.
Horse places particular importance on its cooperation agreement with the University of Novi Sad Faculty of Technical Sciences, which will enable final year students to acquire knowledge and experience, and to develop as engineers.
The company has been stabilised and we finally have the financial elements that allow us to launch new investment cycles
“This is a long-term project that relates to final year students who are doing master’s theses in the field of robotics and automation. That project will only achieve its full effects in the years to come. We have already hired certain personnel, and I’m hopeful there will be even more of that in the period ahead.”
The company’s aim for 2023 is to continue growing sales across the Adriatic region. “The next important task is to complete the investments now launched during the second half of this year, thereby enabling Black Horse to rub shoulders with Europe’s top manufacturers of vehicle batteries. We started this investment cycle in cooperation with the Development Agency of Serbia, development funds and banks, which will enable us to once again position Black Horse on the top rung of the ladder, as we will strive to be a strong competitor to producers in Eastern Europe,” says Miljković.
One of the challenges in the coming period will be to harmonise production with environmental standards. “We are awaited by Intensive work on the obtaining an integrated permit, which will be required by law by the end of 2024, i.e., work on all environmental protection projects that relate to air, soil and wastewater pollution. Those three directions are the most important to us, and we will work on all projects to protect the human environment in order to receive an integrated permit by the end of 2024 that will serve as a guarantee that Black Horse operates according to all standards that apply in Serbia,” concludes Miljković.