The “Film set” exhibition offered original photos of our most famous actors produced in only one copy and featuring their signature- all revenue intended for FDU
After a series of very interesting and creative strides taken in recent years, the CSR activities of Airport City Belgrade proved even more challenging this year, both for the ordering company and the talented youngsters who worked on the ‘Film set’ project.
With the decision to support the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Dramatic Arts, which marked its 70th anniversary in 2018, and this elite business centre, the idea was launched to provide young people with their first professional engagement via an opportunity to express themselves artistically in the city’s most modern business space.
“We recognised this cooperation as a completely natural relationship. Airport City, as a hub where business is done, also provides an opportunity for us to help young people and provide the advantage of experience to their creativity and business start in life. The FDA has several departments that educate students in areas that are close to us, in the sense that it’s necessary for every brand to be heard about and seen. As such, that which they apply, in terms of visual arts, is precisely that which we come into contact with every day. From a website to a bespoke film, an exhibition etc.,” explains Airport City communications advisor Marina Deleon.
The whole of 2018 unfolded in cooperation with the Belgrade Faculty of Dramatic Arts. The idea wouldn’t have succeeded if it hadn’t been supported wholeheartedly by Airport City CEO Adir El Al, while the students received from him only one instruction: Go ahead and present yourselves! And they were granted complete freedom.
Our most famous actors, alumni’s of FDU, were prepared to take the time to come to Airport City and pose for their young colleagues in this unusual ambience that isn’t linked to them
“It was fantastic cooperation with extremely liberated and creative young people, for whom this one this sudden opening up of space that was previously unknown to them. It was obviously a fantastic experience for them.
Two teams from FDU produced excellent corporate films for ACB, guided by their Dean Miloš Pavlović.
This was now followed by an exceptional calendar and exhibition, with which Airport City will mark the end of 2018.
“The photography department is also close to us because from day one we’ve been building a very caring relationship towards our facades, given that they represent a very photogenic space that’s inspiring for many artists’.
The students also started with different ideas. In the end, it turned out that their older colleagues, our most famous actors, were prepared to come and pose pro bono for their young colleagues at Airport City. And that’s why the project was named “Film set”. ACB sponsored necessary equipment and technical requirements, and they created a truly professional set mentored by professor Aleksandar Kostić.
When in Airport City they saw how fantastically it all turned out, they decided to take the next step –to offer these beautiful unique photos signed by actors to business partners and the companies with which they cooperate, and all revenue generated is intended for the Faculty of Dramatic Arts. As the Dean said, it is essential for their university to keep up with modern technology, which is very difficult for a State-financed University.
It was a splendid event marking the end of 2018. And, as Airport City CEO Adir El Al and Dean Pavlović agreed in their address when given the right support and trust, plus the freedom to express themselves, these talented youngsters couldn’t fail to produce results!