Supporting everyone to stay at home, Telenor has enabled free data for its customers to use Bookmate and Nickelodeon digital services so they could read books online and watch children’s programs
This is yet another initiative of Telenor in these emergency circumstances to enable citizens to remain connected with each other remotely in order to protect their health and the health of all the others.
Connecting citizens over our national network is the Company’s priority during the state of emergency. Telenor network is stable and reliable and teams of engineers work 24/7 on its maintenance.
Bookmate digital service offers access to thousands of online books over phone, tablet or laptop in Serbian and English.
NickelOdeon Play makes possible to watch cartoons from Nickelodeon catalogues and play games on your devices.
Telenor also launched a segment “Stay at home connected!” at the website advising customers on how to use telecommunication services online.